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Confessions of an Alcoholic

Confessions of an Alcoholic

This is a book I've written to help other alcoholics. Yes, I am an alcoholic. I know some say you're not an alcoholic because you no longer drink. I can honestly share with you 'I am an alcoholic and always will be' although I haven't drank alcohol since 13th January 1977.


What makes an alcoholic? In my case my whole family drank alcohol from a time I could remember. At twelve years old I first tasted alcohol (beer) and for some reason it liked me. For the next sixteen years I drank alcohol at every opportunity until a time when I was dependent and had built a tolerance to the amount I drank.


I was very lucky. My wife had had enough. I couldn't see the forest for the trees. All I wanted to do was drink until she told me she was leaving and taking our children. I made her a promise on the morning of 13th January 1977 I would never drink alcohol again. I've stuck to the promise.


For the next twenty years, I was classed as a dry drunk. Although I didn't drink; I never changed until one day the penny dropped and I took total responsibility for my life.


Artist Bio

My name is Pat Ritter. Since 1988 I have been writing and publishing books. In 2009 I decided to publish my books as e-books on this and other websites.


In 2004 I wrote and published Confessions of an alcoholic. The previous year my wife of thirty-one years lost her fight with cancer. I was devastated. I'm certain she spoke to me from the grave when I heard her words, you wanted to write, now write.


For the next ten months I wrote Confessions of an alcoholic. Instead of using my name, I created a character Bundy Quicksilver which happened to jump into my head. This book provides true facts of my days as an alcoholic and how I stopped drinking to recover.


This book has helped many others similar in my position. It is told baring the soul and telling the truth about alcoholism. I've continued the character of Bundy Quicksilver to write a series. Confessions of an alcoholic is the first in the series.

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