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Nobody’s Home

Nobody’s Home

This is the true story of the powerless exposed to the brutality of the powerful, where children were commodities, and the law turned a blind eye to unimaginable evil. Robert writes about the men and the mechanisms that consumed the innocence of children and then discarded them to a life of shameful silence and suicide. This blame must be forever shouldered by the South Australian State Government and never let us forget them. RIP.


Robert had no education; the highest level he got to was grade three.


Robert self-educated. By speaking out, against the odds, Robert is concluding his miracle of survival. The day my father killed himself was the first day of my life.


Merciful God, I cried with joy the day my Father died. Please forgive me, Father. AMEN

  • Author Bio

    Robert Sheriff recounts a childhood behind the myth of Australia, the lucky country. His terror, horror, fear.

    Born into a blue-collar family Robert charts his experience at the hands of his violent father, complicit mother. His mother’s secret about being aboriginal six generations back on her mothers’ side where she wanted to hide this from the world and her children.

    On Robert's fathers’ side, his great grandfather was from England and Scotland. Robert was a stolen generation child in 1961. Then to be made a ward of the state of South Australia in 1961. An indifferent society. Then, in his darkest hour, he is consumed by the South Australian State at its most perverse and exposed to institutional abuse, rape, and murder. Where was he sexually abused under State Care of South Australia by employees of the State Government? The South Australian State Government at the time committed Robert to four different mental hospitals. They resorted to shock treatment. It would take nearly 50 years for the truth to come out.

    Robert had PTSD

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  • Reviews

    This book grips you from the first page, written with raw emotion and honesty. We read about the authors traumatic upbringing and how he did not let his early childhood experiences to destroy his life. It takes courage to write such a book and open yourself up to the world. A true inspiration to anyone who reads this book.

    What a amazing story of survival and horror that was allowed to be performed to a innocent kid by people and officials paid to look after children.

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