The Drover | ArtsKeeper
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The Drover

The Drover

Droving in outback Queensland was a roaring trade in the late 1940's and 50's. Australia lived off the sheep's back with wool being one pound sterling for one pound of wool. Everyone had money. Sheep and cattle needed to be taken from place to place. It was common to see at least six droving camps taking sheep or cattle across the outback of south-west Queensland from property to property.


This book is about the life of Harry Williams, who wanted to be a drover, the same as his father and grandfather before him. At aged ten years he left school and commenced work. By thirteen years he had his own droving plant. By twenty-one he was a fully pledged drover in his own right. At times he overcome many obstacles in his path. One epic trip he was Boss Drover to take 500 bullocks from Bulloo Downs in South West Queensland to Clifton Hills in South Australia, a journey to take twelve months. He was the last of the ole drovers. A huge part in Australian history.



My late father-in-law was a drover.


Unfortunately it's now a dying breed of occupation but in the 50's and 60's before motor transport, it was common to see droving throughout the far west of Queensland and northern New South Wales of Australia. I joined the droving family in the early 70's and instantly grew to like the stories my father-in-law told whilst we sat on the front lawn at the home in Cunnamulla. Each story was filled with adventure, thrills, working through all weather. His exploits and knowledge of droving was second to none and was described in the town as 'the most honest man'. Once I accompanied him on a droving trip, although it was only short by the distances he'd drove cattle or sheep; but this trip gave me a taste of his life. It was his way of life.


After thirty years of listening to his stories, watching his ability of a drover, researching his trips, I decided to write his story. Although it is about fictional characters, it is his story. I'm proud to have written it.

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