The Year That Never Was | ArtsKeeper
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The Year That Never Was

The Year That Never Was

Fourth in this 'Outback Australia' series from 1899 to 1902 in Australian history. Australians fought in the Boer War in South Africa. Federation of our nation. Two great events in our history during this period. Although this book is fictional many of the events are true in our history. Each character is created from my imagination.

One important addition to this book is a song written by my fellow member of Pomona Writers Group. At one meeting Evie Pikler asked to sing a song she'd written more than thirty years before. Evie sang 'Australia Calls Us Home'. Tears welled in my eyes after she finished her song. I asked her if she'd permit me to include her song into this book. Evie agreed.


Click onto this link: to watch Evie's great song of 'Australia Calls Us Home'. I thank Evie from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to use her song in this book.

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