I often see discussions, or comments, about what makes us humans different from all the other critters out there.
One will say it's the ability to love, and then I'll see something that sure seems like love in some "beast"... or, sadly, a human that doesn't seem to get the "love" stuff.
I'll read that it's our ability to create beauty.
But, then I realize that "beauty" is what we, our little group of "us", believe it to be. In fact, we create a concept of "beauty" and THEN identify stuff, or people, that meet that concept's parameters.
I see, hear, that we are human because we think, create, fantasize, dream, plan, construct, etc. ad infinitum.
Somewhat confusing, yet, we seem to be able to recognize another "human" when we meet... usually.
I sometimes wonder, often somewhere in the second glass of wine, if it's NOT that we do, or have the potential to do, all that... and more... including the "etc."
Maybe it's the fact we're such damned individualistic, bonded, collaborative, idealistic, pragmatic, realistic, imaginative... whew... generalists.
We can turn our puny hands (with their opposable thumbs), and our impossibly outrageous minds to damn near anything.
Don't know.
Just thinking out loud.
Maybe I'll come up with a bright idea later.
More coffee, please.
Donovan Baldwin
Big topic! I'd love to hear what people think.