a mourning dove coos
the poet listens to the lesson
learning about love
privately succumbs
to the friction of fiction
her mind and body
we lovers entwined
in delicious tangles of
intertwined desires
we're so much in love
our best pleasure is pleasing
and sharing our sighs
desire's not a sin
nor the pursuit of pleasure
shared between lovers
i have to wonder
why i can't remember you
when you were my queen
you were once my queen
why can i not remember
if you loved me then
i seek you daily
waiting for the words you share
hoping they're for me
passion overflows
through moments where bodies touch
enter each other
the desires we hide
passions that our words have wrought
we dare not speak of
things i dare not ask
those i most desire from you
must be freely given
in case you wonder
yes each day i watch for you
reading memories
Donovan Baldwin