consumed by her dream
her touch his in fantasy
crying out his name
she drinks poetry
as if a sacred liquid
passing over lips
willingly she kneels
to share ecstasy with him
as he would for her
lovers skin to skin
in an intimate embrace
together entwined
words upon her tongue
her mouth filled with their pleasure
their taste exciting
feed each other sweets
words in kisses mouth to mouth
and then back again
fabled queen returned
recognized by the poet
who loved her always
with eternal words
may i make you immortal
poet asked his queen
what you do to me
something you will never know
it happens each day
if i touched you once
i would hold you forever
never letting go
his thunder fills her
while upon her thirsty skin
kisses fall like rain
if she only knew
the beauty i see in her
words i dare not say
shared in every kiss
everything we long to say...
words we dare not speak
her cinnamon skin
sweet flavor to my kisses
lips forever's smile
two silver bodies
a single molten statue
representing love
words braided into
our diaphanous restraints
invisible bonds
in solo pleasure
fingers firm but delicate
touching perfectly
when first i saw her
that ancient beauty now reborn
love that i once knew
loving is not wrong
nor explorations in pleasure
in many manners