Each day I cruise the news... oh, not the big headline, "world leaders rattling sabers" news, but, what individuals, and communities are doing to make "stuff" better.
Amid all the turmoil we read about in the "shouting" headlines, it's reassuring to see people going about the business of being innovative, creative, and actually putting hands, hearts, and minds to work solving problems, and making their little corner of the world better in some way. A lot of people overlook, or can't find, these little pieces of "little" news, and, I admit, it can be difficult to find them, even if you're looking and know where to look.
And, admittedly, sometimes the "good idea" turns out to be a not so good idea, but, at least somebody's trying.
It makes me feel a little less disturbed about the "going to hell in a handbasket" attitude a lot of people and organizations take.
Oh, I don't deny that maybe we ARE headed that way, but, still, before my blood pressure and heart rate shoot up, I look around and try to see the good stuff that nobody is taking the time to share with us... probably because it doesn't sell advertising... and who wants to read about ordinary people doing small things?
Where's the news there?
Orville and Wilbur Wright, two bicycle guys, helped get the airplane off the ground. Little guys doing little things. Who knows how big little good stuff may grow?
Donovan Baldwin