Gemach (Hebrew: גמ"ח, plural, גמחים, gemachim, an abbreviation for גמילות חסדים, gemilut chasadim, "acts of kindness") is a Jewish free-loan fund that subscribes to Torah commandment of lending or giving to others.
On LinkedIn, Yonah Klein wrote:
I posted a little while ago about how I'd accidentally scored myself a new comic serial - by sending work to the wrong company. The woman who received my page of comic wrote back saying, basically, "You don't write comics for us. But hey - do you want to?"
At the end of my post, I half-jokingly asked my fellow LinkedInners for ideas for my new story. David D S. said, "Why not write about a guy who keeps making mistakes that work out great?"
Well, now, that's not a bad idea! I love the comic appeal of it, a guy who seems to always do the right thing, but totally by accident. So I whipped up a proposal, and guess what?
They loved it, too.
And so, the cycle continues. The story I got by accident now has a plot based on an idea someone tossed my way on the spur of the moment. Awesome! And a huge thank-you to David!
The story doesn't quite end there, though. Because a good long time ago, I threw out a writing prompt here on LinkedIn. And yesterday, Rachael Hohf mentioned it in a post. Apparently, that prompt was the seed of an idea for her, one that ended up turning into an entire book of short stories! I'm touched and honored, and super excited to see what she came up with.
So! I gave Rachael an idea. David gave me one. Who's going to pass a great idea on to David? Let's keep the ball rolling!
Here is a space to place your ideas for anyone to pick up, or for you to pick up on anyone else's ideas.