What does it feel like to love again?
after the flames and embers of yesteryear's love

have been long extinguished and those gray, tree shades, and their green leaves, from who's bosom, Summer's countless infatuations were evoked are now littered all over unswept gardens, and passing boulevards, in-country yards and cities, during Fall.
What it does feel like to be loved again,
are the sights of treetops growing back their greens and shades;
of blooming flowers, beaming back with delight, dancing gayly in the glorious sunlight of Spring and Summer—their homage to nature's motherly call;
while creating safe havens, underneath which strangers, and ex-lovers meet again, and love is birthed once more, and their hearts become locomotive engines.
This is the feeling of being loved, again, after the pains of the previous exit.