i followed the sighs
throaty cries which led to you
loved you from afar
small flower i spied
lovely almost out of sight
neglected beauty
there's that face you make
as the ecstasy takes you
I haven't seen... yet
there's no part of you
i can say i don't adore
body heart and mind
words fall from her lips
like tears begging to be kissed
i listen and weep
brush on your colors
from the palette of my words
each stroke perfection
minds so much alike
our blatant desires the same
poems intertwined
i'm always watching
always wish you happiness
though you've never known
words kissing her throat
as the Muse shares precious pearls
mixed in love's warm wine
tongue cannot stay still
as it samples flowing words
tasting poetry
old bear of a man
unmoved by performances
just honest actions
each day is harder
the burdens carried alone
just one end in sight
sweetly sensual
temptation of hidden flames
all that he desired
rough soldier poet
gentle words for blushing rose
her dark mystery
light your fires lover
when your flames crackle and leap
we'll burn together
weary after love
so tired we need each other
to rest together
each day is harder
than the sum of all that days
that have come before
poems are pleasure
sometimes smile at what i write
or at what you read
in his absence she
goddess altar sacrifice
offers herself to desire
surrendering in a
solo ritual
Donovan Baldwin