i reach for your hand
long to find reality
to share together
words like fingertips
touching me but a moment
yet leaving their mark
cuddling like two spoons
one nested in the other
as close as can be
each night spent alone
with her small box of secrets
until he arrived
nothing clandestine
he revealed his true intent
to explore its contents
spilled upon the floor
played with lovers' toys and games
without instructions
we dare to explore
love's boundaries together
testing its edges
it was by loving
woman taught me how to love
lesson to be shared
you've never loved me
i've loved you ten thousand nights
wept when morning came
exciting for her
the pleasure of being watched
doing what she loves
it's her turn to watch
she follows moans and motions
in a touching way
goddess of all love
seeks her amorous equals
passionate mortals
Donovan Baldwin