Begging isn't my style.

If you're reading this, you're using ArtsKeeper.
Did you know ArtsKeeper is currently run by volunteers.
Yes, it's true and while the volunteers do an amazing job, in order for us to provide you with improved services and also open our online store where you can sell your work, we need to hire a couple paid employees. That means we need to raise funds to pay them.
We also have operating costs. These are being paid by a couple of our volunteers. Thanks to their generosity, we keep ArtsKeeper up and running. However, we also pass on adding new features because it would raise our costs.
Sooo, here's where the begging starts.
As you consider whether to give some money to deserving organizations, I hope you will consider making a donation to ArtsKeeper. Donations will be 100% spent on ArtsKeeper operations.
Or if you prefer, click our new Tip Jar at the upper right corner. Any loose change will help!
To raise funds to pay our planned employees, we will soon launch a new ArtsKeeper Sponsorship program.
Over this past semester, ArtsKeeper has worked with the Integrated Marketing Program at Georgetown University in Washington, DC to develop this program.
The good news is our target to raise via the sponsorships is very reasonable and we are confident that with YOUR support, we will achieve our goal and soon will be positioned to add even better services!
Keep an eye out for more information coming soon, but in the meantime, please consider giving to ArtsKeeper. I promise you will not only receive more and better services in return, but you will be helping struggling artists we have identified as our first beneficiaries of the ArtsKeeper sponsorship program.